Most Read Articles

Most read articles are listed by the number of read for the previous three months.

Constraints and prospective of dairy value chain in Ethiopia: a review
Anim Ind Technol 2023;10(1):1-27.
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Occurrence and mitigation strategies of mycotoxins in livestock feed
가축 사료 내 곰팡이독소의 발생과 완화 전략
Anim Ind Technol 2023;10(2):63-72.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 580
A comprehensive overview of coccidiosis in chicken
Anim Ind Technol 2021;8(2):53-63.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 562
Advances of nutritional technologies and science in pig production
Anim Ind Technol 2024;11(1):45-55.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 496
Strategies to enhance egg production performance under low stocking density conditions: a comprehensive review
산란계 사육면적 확대에 따른 계란 생산지속성 개선 방안
Anim Ind Technol 2023;10(2):83-96.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 485
Domestic swine farm: benefits of reducing crude protein in swine diets
국내 양돈장에서 양돈 사료 내 조단백질 저감의 이점
Anim Ind Technol 2024;11(1):39-44.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 476
Recent trends in calcium and phosphorus nutrition in broilers
육계에서의 칼슘 및 인 영양의 최신 연구 동향
Anim Ind Technol 2023;10(2):51-62.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 466
Assessment of feed ingredient value using precision nutrient analysis
정밀영양분석을 활용한 원료사료 가치평가
Anim Ind Technol 2024;11(1):13-23.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 445
Application of animal-based welfare quality assessment protocol to growing pig farms in South Korea in comparison with the European nations
Anim Ind Technol 2023;10(1):37-44.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 438
Effects of exogenous gonadotropins on reproductive performance of gilts
돼지발정유도제가 후보돈의 생산성적에 미치는 영향
Anim Ind Technol 2023;10(1):29-36.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 397
Investigation of changes in temperature-humidity index by region and livestock due to climate change
기후변화에 따른 지역 및 축종별 가축더위지수 변화 조사
Anim Ind Technol 2024;11(1):63-73.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 373
Differential protein analysis of porcine COCs with distinct cumulus cell layers
돼지 난자난구세포 복합체의 난구세포 분포에 따른 단백질체 차이 분석
Anim Ind Technol 2021;8(1):15-21.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 371
A review on improving weaned pigs’ growth performance and gut health using nutritional strategies
Anim Ind Technol 2024;11(1):1-11.
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Malodor-reducing effects of providing fulvic acid to growing pigs in drinking water and spraying fulvic acid in swine barns
풀빅산의 돼지 음수 투여 및 양돈장 분무가 냄새 저감에 미치는 영향
Anim Ind Technol 2022;9(2):53-63.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 355
The utilization of farm animal-derived intestinal organoid
농장 동물 유래 장 오가노이드의 활용
Anim Ind Technol 2023;10(2):73-81.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 334
Recent development on controlling necrotic enteritis in poultry
육계에서 괴사성 장염의 최근 연구 동향
Anim Ind Technol 2024;11(1):31-37.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 332
Egg production and egg qualities of commercial laying hens fed diets with varying levels of vitamin premix
비타민 프리믹스 적용 수준이 산란계의 산란 성적과 계란 품질에 미치는 영향
Anim Ind Technol 2024;11(1):57-62.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 299
Study on the stress relief effect of buffer rein for the beginner riders in horseback riding
초보자 승마운동 시 완충고삐 사용을 통한 말의 스트레스 완화에 관한 연구
Anim Ind Technol 2022;9(1):1-13.
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Comparison of meat quality traits in muscovy ducks reared under two different management systems
Anim Ind Technol 2022;9(2):65-77.
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Study on feed mix program using Excel solver modul (Add-in) and growth modelling system of laying hens
Excel 해 찾기 모듈을 이용한 사료배합 프로그램과 산란계의 성장모델시스템에 관한 연구
Anim Ind Technol 2021;8(1):35-51.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 273